Chorégraphies 2023-2024

Chorégraphies 2023-2024

2023-2024, on danse sur … Indian soundMr FunkyCountry as can byFriskyTexas valseGet in or get outWatermelon mooshineLittle bit of loveCountry danceIn that caseI will carry youGhostedStand be myThe Little FarmerThe SphynxIn the ValleyLucky LippsThe...
Chorégraphies 2023-2024

Chorégraphies 2022-2023

2022-2023, on danse sur … Drop the BeatRadio SongWhiskey on the ShelfWelcome to the hotel CaliforniaHalf Past TipsyMama & meKnock offSome Kind of WonderfulTill We Meet AgainStorm and StoneLullaby WaltzDim The LightsCome Site On Santa ClausThelma &...